sexta-feira, junho 30, 2006


dos irmãos Luna:
Joshua (plot, script, layouts) e Jonathan (plot, art, colors, letters)

os TP's (trade paperbacks):

Volume 1 - Conception, que inclui os nº 1 ao 6
Volume 2 – Emergence, do nº 7 ao 12

eu estou a gostar bastante desta BD, mas como não tenho queda para a crítica (apenas digo que é esquisito!), prefiro deixar alguns comentários que encontrei...

”Girls isn't superheroes, it's supernatural," said Josh. "There are still sexual themes," added Jonathan, "but it's like Greek myth playing out in a modern way. Like what would happen if nymphs were born into our world." Strange, pearly-white naked women descend on a town, and people start to die.”

“The story is situated in Pennystown--a typical Twin Peaks town setting, but that's where the comparison stops; there's little Lynch eccentricity in the characters on display. Instead it is the events, not the people, that are just plain weird.
The story is smart and the art is very cinematic. The art stays in focus as the "camera" zooms in for the centre characters in the shot (blurring the background). Panels switch between traditional small panels and wide shots across the page, showing the Lunas' versatility. “


Blogger Inês Severino said...

onde arranjas isso?? compraste??

7/03/2006 11:03 da tarde  
Blogger vazdesign said...

vais-me emprestar eheh

7/04/2006 6:13 da tarde  
Blogger vertigo said...

Inês, comprei cá em Leiria!

e espera até veres o próximo TP de que estou à espera...


7/05/2006 6:32 da tarde  

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